Decentralized AI? Relation between Artificial intelligence and Blockchain.

Decentralized AI? Relation between Artificial intelligence and Blockchain.

  1. In recent times AI has been the news but how many of you know that decentralization is paramount (more important than anything else) to Ai's success?

  2. What are the current drawbacks of Ai?

  3. How does blockchain help to minimize those drawbacks and help Ai to become an even more powerful technology?

let's start with What is an Ai?

It's an interdisciplinary field in computer science. AI works by emulating human thought and behavior patterns. A common thread among AI models is the ability for machines to be “trained” on data sets. It help's us to perform certain tasks or activities more efficiently than a human can. AI practitioners often model the human brain to develop novel mechanisms for solving everyday problems. Alan turning was known as the father of computer science who was also the pioneer in introducing this ai tech in the simplest form in the early 1950s. It's used in many fields nowadays including chatbots, medical science, self-driving cars, etc. [There is no single definition that satisfies the entire AI community, as the term “artificial intelligence” means different things depending on the context.]

However, there are different models of Ai : (4 prominent models)

  1. Reactive Models:

  • cannot act on the learned data
  1. Limited Memory Models:

  • under this, there are two important model

  • Machine Learning(ML)

  • Recurrent Neural Network(RNN)

  1. Theory of Mind:

    make decisions and adjust their behaviors according to human emotions.

  2. Self-awareness model:

    computers to enable human-level intelligence including emotions and consciousness

There are still three more classes of Ai:

  1. Narrow Ai:

    -considered to be the simplest weak ai, there always needs to be human interaction.

    -The research that facilitates weak AI often comes from innovations in machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL).

  2. Artificial General Intelligence:

    -Artificial general intelligence (AGI) is what many consider to be the pinnacle(the most successful point) of AI research

    -considered to be a strong ai, it can solve issues or problems

    -Although AGI is several years from becoming a reality, developments such as OpenAI’s GPT-3 language model and DeepMind’s MuZerio are edging us closer to it.

  3. Super Intelligence:

    -it can replicate human emotions, but it's not still available

    -Superintelligence is a term used to describe a hypothetical AGI model that can replicate human behavior and cognition in every area possible.

Now let us talk about the most popular(Machine learning and Deep Learning)model:

As said it's the most popular and emulating human intelligence. there can be two subsections under it supervised and unsupervised and they both will work with the labeled and unlabelled data. here supervised means AI practitioners feed and interpret data to and from machines. However, ML systems can learn to become better at tasks autonomously without programming. Furthermore, deep learning (DL) is a subset of ML that uses neural networks that mimic those of the human brain using a deep, layered data structure. The use of DL is prominent in healthcare, disease prevention, and optimizing self-driving vehicles.

What is blockchain?

->Underlying tech that empowers the WEB 3.0 world

->Blockchain in simpler can be said DDL(decentralized distributed ledger).

->This ledger has many benefits from the normal ledger like its immutable and many more.

->One of the main philosophies here is that they don't have a central entity as we have in WEB2, so there can't be a single point of failure.

->Mainted by validators/miners who provide security to the blockchain and verify all the transactions and store them into blocks where successfully

->Financial incentives prevent bad actors from adjusting transactional records or validating fraudulent transactions. done they get incentivized. this is where cryptocurrencies come into the picture(note as you can see here bitcoin and blockchain are two different things).

->there are tons of blockchain networks there among them popular ones are Bitcoin and Ethereum(powered by smart contracts) and there are even classifications like Layer1 and Layer2 blockchains.

->there are private blockchains, Hybrid blockchains, and public blockchains.

->so Web3.0 is just an umbrella of things where you can find many sectors like NFTs, Defi, DAPP, Dao, Decentralized world(Metaverse), Augmented reality(AR) and Virtual reality(VR) but under the hood, the tech behind this powerful future is blockchain technology.

So what is decentralized Ai?

Decentralized AI is an emerging field of AI that incorporates blockchain and other distributed ledger technologies (DLTs). Many leading AI practitioners agree that decentralization is vital for ensuring AI is equitable and safe. let's keep it simple a good Ai model requires more datasets to work upon and practice while building these Ai models and datasets is more expensive for creating a good competitive ai model reduces the number of competitors which leads to centralization means all these possibilities of things that can be done using this Ai can only be created by fewer people or fewer organizations and another problem here is closed AI projects often fail to incentivize contributions that make AI models of high quality Also, closed-source AI often serves corporate agendas and lacks the innovation achieved via collective learning models this is exactly where you need Decentralized AI.

This combined tech allows multiple parties to collaborate on a data set without disclosing sensitive data. Also, smart contracts and decentralized applications (apps) allow AI practitioners to automate various aspects of the AI modeling process in a transparent and trustless environment As the use of AI becomes increasingly prominent, decentralization acts as a safeguard to ensure superintelligence does not lead to a dystopian future where humans are indecipherable from robots. Decentralized AI mechanisms use distributed ledgers like blockchains to prevent data manipulation, increase transparency, and prevent the centralization of power that could prevent AI from realizing its potential. Blockchain and AI work together to advance the AI space, expedite innovation, and create incentives for building autonomous, intelligent technologies.

thank you,

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